Looking for a New Years resolution you’ll actually keep? There’s a simple resolution with almost immediate results and benefits you for years to come. Getting a Smooth Air T-360, and learning to use it, is an easy & inexpensive way to get smoother hair with way less work.
What’s a T-360? It’s an ergonomic blow dryer attachment designed to reduce stress, aches, and pains for professional hairdressers. But it’s adjustable nozzle makes it easy for anyone to reduce frizz and add body. It’s adjustable nozzle fits just about any blow dryer, home or professional. Swiveling in a full 360 degree circle and adjusting in tilt it lets you quickly get the perfect angle for best results without any awkward movements or positions. It can take the heat of the highest of dryer settings and will soon be part of your daily habits.
The T-360 was recently developed by a professional stylist and is made only by Smooth Air. Patented, there’s nothing else on the market like it.
The Reward of Better Hair
The cuticle is the outer protective layer of hair. By making it easy to always blow with the cuticle (away from the head) users greatly reduce frizz. And heat won’t be going directly to the scalp. With extra comfort, you can style longer for more body and movement as well. The end result? Smoother and healthier hair in between visits to the hairdresser.
Less Strain Too
If you happen to know someone who works in a beauty salon, the T-360 is an absolute must-have. Ask any stylist and they’ll tell you that blow drying leads to aches and pains, and sometimes joint and other damage requiring medical treatment.
That’s not a big problem for the average person, but anything that reduces strain and stress is a big plus for everyone.
Take A Look
It’s a bit difficult to describe using this nozzle attachment in words, so check out the video at https://www.youtube.com/video. It also includes some great blow drying tips.
The Smooth Air is an inexpensive purchase that will soon have your hair looking its best. How’s that for a New Years resolution?